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Connect for JDBC Salesforce driver conflicts with Jersey libraries


TitleConnect for JDBC Salesforce driver conflicts with Jersey libraries
URL NameConnect-for-JDBC-Salesforce-driver-conflicts-with-Jersey-libraries
Article Number000186369
EnvironmentProduct: Connect for JDBC Salesforec driver
Version: All supported versions
Database: Salesforce
Application: All supported applications
Question/Problem Description
The JAXB libraries contained within the Connect for JDBC Salesforce driver conflicts with Jersey libraries
Steps to Reproduce
Clarifying Information
A runtime exception which only occurs when adding the Salesforce driver to the ODI's classpath. The exception occurs when invoking a REST service not related to Salesforce from ODI.
Error Messagejava.lang.AbstractMethodError:;)Ljavax/ws/rs/core/UriBuilder;
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyWebTarget.(
at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.TestDataServerProcessor.testRestDS(
at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.TestDataServerProcessor.access$200(
at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.TestDataServerProcessor$1.doAction(
Defect Number
Enhancement Number
Salesforce driver uses CXF, which in turn includes Jersey 1.0. So an application that uses Jersey has our jar in classpath before Jersey jars, it will find our implementation. This will cause the application to fail if they are using JAX-RS version greater than the one packaged with our jar file.
Fixed in hot fix

Refer to Connect for JDBC hot fix download and install instructions for instructions on how to download and install the hot fix.
Possible workaround:
Salesforce includes a copy of jax-rs 1.1 and Jersey 1.? in the packages*. The implementation of jax-rs is declared in the service file META-INF/services/ When the Salesforce jar gets included before other jax-rs implementation jars, our service file gets loaded and the client application will see our implementation of the jax-rs. This can result in errors if the jax-rs that the client is using is latest version (2.0).

To make sure the right implementation of jax-rs gets picked up in client application, the class provides a static method setInstance, which accepts an instance of RuntimeDelegate implementaiton. This can be set to the instance of implementation that the client application needs needs.

To set the jax-rs implemetation to Jersey 2.x, the following line can be added to the application before using any other jax-rs classes:
RuntimeDelegate.setInstance(new org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl());

For more information look at the implementation of methods and
Last Modified Date7/5/2016 3:46 PM
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