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Memory leak with SQL Server wire Protocol driver when Enable Bulk Load is set to True.


TitleMemory leak with SQL Server wire Protocol driver when Enable Bulk Load is set to True.
URL NameMemory-leak-with-SQL-Server-wire-Protocol-driver-when-Enable-Bulk-Load-is-set-to-True
Article Number000131034
EnvironmentProduct: Connect/Connect64 for ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol Driver
Version: 7.16.0355
OS: Windows
Database: SQL Server
Application: All supported applications
Question/Problem Description
Memory leak with SQL Server wire Protocol driver when Enable Bulk Load is set to True.
Steps to Reproduce
Clarifying Information
Error Message
Defect Number77479
Enhancement Number
Memory is not freed until disconnect which causes the memory usage to grow when application allocates and frees statement handle for every row inserted using bulk load protocol with EnableBulkLoad=1 and BulkLoadThreshold=1.
Fixed in hot fix  07.16.0361 (B0363, U0242)

Refer to  Connect and Connect64 for ODBC hot fix download and install instructions for instructions on how to download and install the hot fix.
Last Modified Date11/20/2020 7:13 AM
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