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Error occurs on SQLDescribeParam() when calling a stored procedure using the SQL Server ODBC driver.


TitleError occurs on SQLDescribeParam() when calling a stored procedure using the SQL Server ODBC driver.
URL NameSQLDescribeParam-failed-after-upgraded-to-7-1-5
Article Number000184744
EnvironmentProduct: Connect/Connect64 for ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver
Version: 07.16.0292
OS: Linux
Database: SQL Server
Application: All supported applications
Question/Problem Description
Below error occurs on SQLDescribeParam() when calling a stored procedure and the SQL identifiers contain square brackets using the SQL Server ODBC driver.
Steps to Reproduce-Prepare a Stored Procedure call with square brackets as identifier delimiter :

{?=CALL [test01].spsynchronous1(?, ?, ?)}

-Call SQLDescribeParam() to get a description of the parameter. This will result in an error :

EXIT SQLDescribeParam with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)
HSTMT 0x0000000e4e62f0
SWORD * 0x007fff112eeb5e
UDWORD * 0x007fff112eeb50
SWORD * 0x007fff112eeb4e
SWORD * 0x007fff112eeb4c

EXIT SQLErrorW with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
HENV 0x0000000e4baa40
HDBC 0x0000000e4c3500
HSTMT 0x0000000e4e62f0
WCHAR * 0x007fff112ee460 [4294967293] "HY000"
SDWORD * 0x007fff112ee45c (0)
WCHAR * 0x007fff112ee250 [ 69] "[DataDirect][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver]Invalid Object Name"
SWORD * 0x007fff112ee45a (69)
Clarifying Information
Error Message[DataDirect][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver]Invalid Object Name
Defect Number
Enhancement Number
This is expected behavior. Square brackets as identifier delimiter are not supported.

It was determined that the Progress Product is functioning as designed.
 An enhancement to the product can be requested through the Progress Community via an Ideas submission.  Customer feedback is valuable and Idea submissions are monitored by our Product Management team.  Enhancement requests are reviewed during the planning phase of each new product release and a list of the enhancements chosen for implementation can be found in the Release Notes documents that accompany each release.  Once an Idea is submitted the Progress Software Community will have the opportunity to comment on and vote for the Idea.

For detailed information on how to submit an Idea, please refer to Knowledge Base article 000010839.
Last Modified Date9/1/2016 9:35 AM
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