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What driver updates are part of the Salesforce driver hot fix.


TitleWhat driver updates are part of the Salesforce driver hot fix.
URL NameWhat-driver-updates-are-part-of-the-Salesforce-driver-8-0-0-0105-hot-fix
Article Number000143124
EnvironmentProduct: Progress DataDirect for ODBC for Salesforce 8.0
OS: All support platforms
Database: Salesforce
Application: All supported applications
Question/Problem Description
What driver updates are part of the Progress DataDirect for ODBC for Salesforce driver hot fix.
Steps to Reproduce
Clarifying Information
Error Message
Defect Number
Enhancement Number
When the Salesforce hot fixed was first released the README and fixes.txt files were missing the hot fix updates.
The README has been updated with the following statement.
The ConfigOptions connection option is considered deprecated. The driver currently supports setting each of the options supported by ConfigOptions as a standalone connection option. We will continue to support the ConfigOptions connection option until the next major release of the driver at which time the ConfigOptions connection option will no longer be supported. Please adjust your data sources and connection URL strings to use the options previously defined under ConfigOptions as individual connection options so that you are not affected by this future change in driver behavior.

Here are the issues that were fixed for the Salesforce driver:
- Fixed an issue of incorrect ordering of result set for Query having GroupBy and OrderBy When used with LIMIT clause.
- Fix for Incorrect Error Code, SQLSTATE and error message is getting displayed for an invalid query.
- Enhanced the driver to delete the config files whenever users upgrade their driver versions for ex 7.1 to 8.0. Prior to the fix users needed to delete those files manually or set CreateMap='ForceNew'.
- CXF version upgrade to 3.3.4
- The precision for the Integer data type has been changed from 10 to 9.
- The NUM_PREC_RADIX value for the Double data type has been changed from 10 to 2.
- There were also improvements in driver framework which did not have behavioral changes in the Salesforce driver but because of the improvements the build number got bumped up.

For additional information download the current Salesforce 8.0 hot fix and review the README and fixes.txt files.

Refer to  Connect and Connect64 for ODBC hot fix download and install instructions for instructions on how to download and install the hot fix.
Last Modified Date8/8/2022 2:23 PM
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