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Can't read JSON datatype using DataDirect MySQL ODBC Wire Protocol Driver 7.1


TitleCan't read JSON datatype using DataDirect MySQL ODBC Wire Protocol Driver 7.1
URL Namecan-t-read-json-datatype-for-mysql-database-using-mysql-odbc-driver-7-1
Article Number000128731
EnvironmentProduct: Connect64 for ODBC MySQL wire protocol driver
OS: Windows 10
Database: MySQL Enterprise Server v8.0.16
Application: All supported applications
Question/Problem Description
Created a table with column of data type JSON. Able to insert some data in to the table.
When trying to read the data, it failed with the error given below in the "Error Message" section.
Steps to Reproduce1. CREATE TABLE t_json (F1 JSON NULL )
2. INSERT INTO t_json VAUES(' "{ ""glossary"":""1""}"' )
3. SELECT * FROM t_json
Clarifying Information
Error Message[DataDirect][ODBC MySQL Wire Protocol driver]This is either an Unknown Type or is not supported currently.
Defect Number
Enhancement Number
JSON data type is not supported by MySQL ODBC Wire Protocol Driver.
JSON data type is not supported by MySQL ODBC driver at this time and is considered as an enhancement.

But there is a workaround for this problem which is given below in the "Workaround" section.

An enhancement to the product can be requested through the Progress Community via an Ideas submission. Customer feedback is valuable and Idea submissions are monitored by our Product Management team. Enhancement requests are reviewed during the planning phase of each new product release and a list of the enhancements chosen for implementation can be found in the Release Notes documents that accompany each release. Once an Idea is submitted the Progress Software Community will have the opportunity to comment on and vote for the Idea.

For detailed information on how to submit an Idea, please refer to Knowledge Base article   How to submit an enhancement request for a Progress product?  

Use the CAST function in the query to cast JSON column to VARCHAR column. This way resultant data type of the column for this query would be VARCHAR which driver should be able to process correctly.

A simple example: SELECT  CAST(jsonCol as CHAR)  FROM ....
The above SQL statement would take the value that is in a JSON data type column jsonCol and return it as a normal char type that the driver support.
Last Modified Date11/20/2020 6:57 AM
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