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DTM segments are not exported as ISO date in the comment after the value


TitleDTM segments are not exported as ISO date in the comment after the value
URL Namedtm-segments-are-not-exported-as-iso-date-in-the-comment-after-the-value
Article Number000110394
EnvironmentProduct: XML Converters
Version: 6.2
O/S: All Supported
Database: N/A
Application: N/A
Question/Problem Description
DTM segments are not exported as ISO date in the comment after the value, uri parameter 'iso' has no effect 

field DTM0102 does not include a comment after the value date in ISO date format.

<DTM0102><!--2380: Date/time/period-->201901141134</DTM0102>

For X12 this seems to work.
Steps to Reproduce
Clarifying Information
Error Message
Defect Number
Enhancement Number
This behavior is because in X12, there is a "date" datatype, so the converters are able to parse it. 

In EDIFACT, there is no "date" datatype, only ALPHA, NUMERIC, and ALPHANUMERIC types. 
If an EDIFACT-derived type of EDI is being used, such as EDIFACT or IATA/PADIS, then starting in patch there is a new option svd=yes which will validate many instances of the date in the DTM segment (this is documented in the release notes). 

However, since the date format is specified by a previous value in the row, and the validation is very flexible as to the various formats (92 at last count, including things like "A period of time specified by giving the start semester of a year followed by the end semester of a year (both not including century)"), the formatted date in a comment is not explicitly republished, But it will have to be validated. 

Comments are reserved for types which have a single rendering format. 

Additionally, the reason this is an option and not always engaged is because it is possible for the user to add their own format specifiers, and the XMLConverters do not have a way to parse and validate those. 
Last Modified Date2/20/2019 6:27 PM
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