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How to always use the local assembly for ADO.Net Providers


TitleHow to always use the local assembly for ADO.Net Providers
URL Namehow-to-always-use-the-local-assembly-for-ado-net-providers
Article Number000115690
EnvironmentProduct: Connect for ADO.Net Providers
Version: All Supported
O/S: Windows
Database: All Supported
Application: N/A
Question/Problem Description
How to always use the local assembly for ADO.Net Providers?
How to restrict an application to only use local assembly versions of the ADO.Net Providers?
Steps to Reproduce
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Enhancement Number
The Microsoft .NET behavior states that the application will search the managed assemblies in this order: 

1. Global Assembly Cache 
2. The web application's bin directory or Windows application's EXE directory 
3. The x86 or x64 subdirectory based on whether the application runs in 32-bit or 64-bit .NET Framework. If the application is built using AnyCPU, then ODP.NET will use the correct DLL bitness as long as the assembly is available. Oracle recommends using this method of finding dependent assemblies if your application is AnyCPU. 

If the goal is to only use local assembly, then there should not be any assembly with same the assembly version present in the GAC. 

This situation can be handled in two ways during installation of the applications which use the Connect for ADO.Net Providers:

1. The installation process should use gacutil command if with just /i argument, so that it will GAC it only when its new. 


2. The installation process should use gacutil command with /u argument. This will make sure that, the assembly is completely removed from the GAC (if present) and the .NET run-time will look for the assemblies in application’s respective working directories. 
Last Modified Date9/6/2019 8:16 PM
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