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How to use passthrough mode against JDBC databases using OpenAccess SDK 8.x for Java


TitleHow to use passthrough mode against JDBC databases using OpenAccess SDK 8.x for Java
URL Namehow-to-use-passthrough-mode-against-jdbc-databases-using-openaccess-sdk-8-x-for-java
Article Number000178854
EnvironmentProduct : OpenAccess SDK
Version : 8.0, 8.1
Database : NA
OS : All supported platforms
Application : All supported applications
Question/Problem Description

The pass through Java IP is a sample IP developed to test the "pass through" mode of the OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine. In the pass through mode, the IP is responsible for executing the query against the backend. The OpenAccess SDK SQL engine handles the parsing and schema validation and then exposes the parsed statement tree to the IP through the parse-tree API. A typical IP using the pass through mode translates the passed in query to the language the backend supports. Joins, where clause processing, and all expressions must be handled by the IP but the post processing (GROUP BY, ORDER BY) can be delegated to the OpenAccess SDK SQL engine.

This sample IP can be configured to operate in two execution modes:

  1. Full Execution mode - execute queries using a backend JDBC driver. This mode requires you to have JDBC connectivity from the machine where the OpenAccess SDK Server is installed.
  2. Format-Only mode - writes the formatted query to the log and no results are returned.

The code in the pass through IP is modular to allow you to use it in your own IP. This sample is coded for SELECT commands only and exposes a schema that is defined in the code itself.

Steps to Reproduce
Clarifying Information
Error Message
Defect Number
Enhancement Number
Download the attached sample and follow the instructions in the document passjdbcSetup.doc.
Last Modified Date12/1/2016 3:07 PM
Files 1.
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