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Is it possible to upgrade to Connect for ADO.Net 4.2 with a WCF RIA services implementation?


TitleIs it possible to upgrade to Connect for ADO.Net 4.2 with a WCF RIA services implementation?
URL Nameis-it-possible-to-upgrade-to-connect-for-ado-net-4-2-with-a-wcf-ria-services-implementation
Article Number000114699
EnvironmentProduct: Connect for ADO.Net
Version 4.2
O/S: Windows
Database: N/A
Application: N/A
Question/Problem Description
Problems encountered after upgrading to ADO.Net 4.2 with updating the .edmx using the GUI in VS 2015.  Originally working with Visual Studio 2010 and ADO.Net Version 4.1
Steps to Reproduce
Clarifying Information
Error MessageUnable to cast object of type 'DDTek.DB2.Entity.DB2ProviderServices'' to type 'System.Data.Common.DbProviderServices'
Defect Number77200
Enhancement Number
Due to a Microsoft limitation that makes WCF RIA incompatible with Entity Framework 6.0, it is not possible to keep a WCF RIA services implementation and still upgrade to ADO.Net 4.2.

The WCF RIA is stabalized and Microsoft is not planning to enhance it further. 
The Connect for ADO.NET 4.2 Provider only supports entity Framework 6.0.

Microsoft is encouraging WCF users to move to Open RIA services. It is best to port the application to use the Open RIA with Entity Framework 6, which will be aligned with the latest technology stack in the .NET Domain.

With this, it is possible to migrate to Connect for ADO.NET 4.2.
Last Modified Date9/5/2017 7:54 PM
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